Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ahh the joys of line drying...

I love my clothesline...Simply stated I love turning on the garage radio and jamming all while I hang our clothes in the beautiful sunshine. Yes I know "But you make DRYER balls" this I realize but when I can use the line I do....and when I can't my precious balls o wool are bouncing around dryer.

Today was the perfect for the line, the sun was out it wasn't humid and there was a ever so soft breeze blowing..yippeeee....So I stripped beds and washed bed clothes and hung them outside.

I did leave them out there most of the day...when I got back from picking Bren up from work...I went to get them down everything was lovely until I saw THIS......

Bird Dookie! ICK!

this has never happened before ugh so I took it down sprayed some bac-out on it and it's the wash again.

My sister in law has been staying with us and she is a bit of a clean freak and that just happens to be the set of sheets that go on her I tired my best not to tell her....she found out anyway lol


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