Friday, July 31, 2009

See one person can make a difference!

April-September we have a outdoor concert series on the last Friday of the month. Well back after April's concert I emailed the committee who runs the program with a suggestion. Seeing as they sell canned drinks and bottled water and people bring their drinks sometimes to, why didn't they have recycling bins out there. I offered any assistance I could to help. I got a response back saying they would bring it to the committee.

Well reading the paper this morning there was a article about the concert tonight and it mentioned that they will now have recycling bins! Yay! here's the article I'm so excited that I made a difference little ole me!!


  1. Oops, I think you meant to say that they will NOW have recycling bins :)

    That's awesome though and I hope that they actually follow through with the recycling of what gets thrown in there!

  2. Laurie you're right I fixed it :)



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